Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crown heights...Then and Now

Crown Heights, Then and Now from BCCP Video on Vimeo.

  The New Utrecht documentary team investigates the events surrounding the Crown Heights riots, which occurred twenty one years ago this year. They discover that the Brooklyn College Community Partnership was founded in part as a response to the violence, to promote inter-cultural understanding and peace, and to create dialogue within a community full of tension.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Crown Heights- Attempts to stopping violence!

Interrupting Violence in Crown Heights from NYC in Focus on Vimeo.

"The staff of S.O.S. Crown Heights prevents gun violence from occurring in the S.O.S. catchment area in Crown Heights by mediating conflicts that may end in gun violence and acting as peer counselors to men and women who are at risk of perpetrating or being victimized by violence. S.O.S. Crown Heights works closely with neighborhood leaders and businesses to promote a visible and public message against gun violence, encouraging local voices to articulate that shooting is an unacceptable behavior."